Thriving in Between
This podcast has been created by Lori Taylor and Christina Willman. The focus is Liminality, that space in life where you've left something behind that is familiar or stable and entered a period of unknown, waiting, and chaos. Thriving there is possible and transformation can be found. Join the conversation.
Thriving in Between
Knocked Off Balance. Pilgrimage with Tony Kriz
Lori Taylor and Christina Willman
Season 4
Episode 1
In this episode, Lori and Christina discuss pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago AND in our everyday lives with author, speaker, film maker and fellow podcaster Tony Kriz.
Mentioned in the podcast:
Book. Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas. https://a.co/d/dhNJ3dY.
www.tonykriz.com. Books. Films. Speaker engagement requests.
Tony and Kari's podcast: Pilgrim Lost. https://pilgrimlost.com/
New feature documentary coming soon: “Sentenced”