Thriving in Between
This podcast has been created by Lori Taylor and Christina Willman. The focus is Liminality, that space in life where you've left something behind that is familiar or stable and entered a period of unknown, waiting, and chaos. Thriving there is possible and transformation can be found. Join the conversation.
35 episodes
Where did 2024 go? Hello 2025!
In this episode, Lori and Christina look back on the year 2024, travels, and some liminal stories of friends. They also take a moment to look ahead to 2025 and the exciting things God might have in store for not only their stories,...
Season 6
Episode 1

"Not my will, but Yours, LORD:" Christina's Story of a Revised Life
In this episode, TiB's very own Christina Willman is the guest!Christina and Lori have a conversation about a revised life and how choosing God's Will allows beauty, provision, and grace in to transform your mind.Mentioned:
Season 5
Episode 6

Podcast Swip-Swap
In this episode we revisit an edited conversation between Lori and Kari Baker, Director of KIND Families. The episode is different since Lori is the guest! The conversation is edited from the full episode which was initiall...
Season 5
Episode 5

Changing From the Inside: Kai's Liminal Story
In this episode, Lori and Christina talk to their good friend Kai about her journey through liminal space and the wisdom she’s gained in the in-between.
Season 5
Episode 4

Unexpected Challenges of Change: A Conversation with Jill & Jenn
In this episode, Lori and Christina enjoy some time with two guests who have unique lives to have a conversation about what healthy transitions might look like.Mentioned in this episode: Burn Up Or Splash Down: Surviving the Cu...
Season 5
Episode 3

Let's get KiND!
In this episode Lori and Christina talk with their good friend Kari Baker about her personal liminal journey and THRIVING in-between.Mentioned in the episode:http://kariabaker.com
Season 5
Episode 2

AZ to TX Minisode Part 1
In this minisode, Lori and Christina discuss traveling to a Jesuit Retreat Center in Texas for a big adventure.Mentioned in the podcast.https://riverside.fm
Season 5

TX to AZ Minisode Part 2
In this minisode, Lori and Christina talk more about the adventure they were on and Spiritual Direction.Mentioned in this podcast.https://www.ruthhaleybarton.com
Season 5

Thriving in Between Flyover
In this episode, Lori and Christina give a broad view of who we are, where we are, and what we're about from the plane at 10,000ft.
Season 5
Episode 1

Unique Community and Liminal Space: A Conversation with Katie Kibbe
In this episode, Lori and Christina have a conversation with Katie Kibbe, author and cultivator of authentic friendships, about how a unique community develops during liminal times. Mentioned in the podcast:@katie_kibbe<...
Season 4
Episode 5

May I Walk With You? A Conversation with Kelli Monical
In this episode, Christina and Lori have a conversation with Kelli Monical (registered nurse, Stephen Ministry Leader, etc.) about how we can effectively walk WITH someone during times of sorrow, tragedy, (and other difficult struggles).
Season 4
Episode 4

The Big FIVE: Pitfalls, Landmines, and Traps...OH MY!
In this episode Lori and Christina discuss the common pitfalls, traps, and landmines that can befall us during our "in-between" journey.
Season 4
Episode 3

Safe Spaces. A Conversation with Mandi Pierson
In this episode, Lori and Christina chat with mental health expert Mandi Pierson about Trauma Informed Care and the importance of creating safe spaces for individuals (and ourselves).-------------------------------------------------...
Season 4
Episode 2

Knocked Off Balance. Pilgrimage with Tony Kriz
In this episode, Lori and Christina discuss pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago AND in our everyday lives with author, speaker, film maker and fellow podcaster Tony Kriz. Mentioned in the podcast:Book. Sacred Pathways by Gary T...
Season 4
Episode 1

Calling the Courageous! The Posture of Adventure
In this episode, Lori and Christina discuss the Posture of Adventure with some metaphors, biblical examples and personal stories.Mentioned in the podcast.The Faith of Leap: Embracing a Theology of Risk, Adventure & Courage b...
Season 3
Episode 4

When the Story Changes. A Conversation with Pastor Don Doe
In this episode, Lori and Christina have a conversation with Pastor Don and his experience with Liminal Space. God has used it to change him, his relationships and the trajectory of his life.Mentioned in the podcast.Pasto...
Season 3
Episode 3

Hope and Liminal Postures: Considering Hope Part 2
In this episode, Lori and Christina consider the thread of HOPE throughout the Liminal Postures.
Season 3
Episode 2

Considering Hope
In the first episode of 2022, Lori and Christina, discuss HOPE. Where does our understanding of HOPE come from? Where do we get HOPE? Can we get more of it?Let's do a deep dive in some books, psych...
Season 3
Episode 1

"Embracing Uncomfortable" and Liminal Space: A Conversation with Dr. Deb Gorton
In this episode, Lori and Christina talk with Clinical Psychologist, Professor and Author, Dr. Deb Gorton about her new book, Embracing Uncomfortable as well as some parallels with Life in Liminality.Link to the book. https://w...
Season 2
Episode 3

How Can I Help? A Conversation about Empathy with Erik Batchelor
In this episode, Lori and Christina answer an email question regarding "Empathy" through the lens of liminality. Erik gives some practical ways to improve our empathy aptitude.Discussed in the podcast:LiL podcast about mourn...
Season 2
Episode 2

Studying Liminality: A Conversation with Fellow Journeyman Pastor Fraser Venter
In this episode, Lori and Christina have an inspiring conversation with Pastor Fraser Venter about his own liminal experience, the knowledge he has gained from studying liminality, and his insights gleaned from walking with others through trans...
Season 2
Episode 1

Pack Your Bags: The Posture of Adventure in Liminal Space: A Conversation with Angela McCurren
In this episode, Lori and Christina have a conversation with Angela McCurren about what "adventure" means for healing and growing during liminal space.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Season 1
Episode 11

Are We There Yet? Posture of a Pilgrim in Liminal Space
In this episode, Lori and Christina walk through the some of the characteristics and importance of taking the posture of a pilgrim during wandering times.Books mentioned in the episode. The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster.
Season 1
Episode 10

Tapping into Creativity: A Conversation with Christi Martinelli
In this episode, Lori and Christina speak with their first female guest, producer, Christi Martinelli about how we can tap into creativity during liminal times.Mentioned in the podcast.Christi's website: anchorshineproductions.c...
Season 1
Episode 9

Disruptive Discipleship: A Conversation with Sam Van Eman
In this episode, Christina and Lori learn from Sam Van Eman, author of Disruptive Discipleship:The Power of Breaking Routine to Kickstart Your Faith about how we can let disruptions guide us to growth.Sam Van Eman's website.
Season 1
Episode 8