Thriving in Between
This podcast has been created by Lori Taylor and Christina Willman. The focus is Liminality, that space in life where you've left something behind that is familiar or stable and entered a period of unknown, waiting, and chaos. Thriving there is possible and transformation can be found. Join the conversation.
Thriving in Between
Studying Liminality: A Conversation with Fellow Journeyman Pastor Fraser Venter
In this episode, Lori and Christina have an inspiring conversation with Pastor Fraser Venter about his own liminal experience, the knowledge he has gained from studying liminality, and his insights gleaned from walking with others through transitions.
Mentioned in this episode:
St. John of the Cross
Thomas Merton
David stories: 1 Samuel 21 & 22
Canoeing The Mountains by Tod Bolsinger
Tempered Resilience by Tod Bolsinger
Cucamonga Christian Fellowship and Pastor Fraser Venter https://ccflive.org
Waymaker https://youtu.be/iJCV_2H9xD0
Lori's Online Course: Embracing Life In-Between (Course begins March 16th, lasts 7 weeks)