Thriving in Between
This podcast has been created by Lori Taylor and Christina Willman. The focus is Liminality, that space in life where you've left something behind that is familiar or stable and entered a period of unknown, waiting, and chaos. Thriving there is possible and transformation can be found. Join the conversation.
Thriving in Between
"Not my will, but Yours, LORD:" Christina's Story of a Revised Life
In this episode, TiB's very own Christina Willman is the guest!
Christina and Lori have a conversation about a revised life and how choosing God's Will allows beauty, provision, and grace in to transform your mind.
this beautiful truth: Sarah Clarkson. https://a.co/d/geLCjdr
The Bible.
Romans 12v2
2Corinthians 3v16 MSG
Not mentioned but better said:
IronTina: Rescue Story Spotify Playlist. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/53iigphysP1QmmhCKRQKBc?si=x5NWV4uWRnOfusbcJ91HQQ
Christina's blog